Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bratz gone for good???

Wow so while sitting and chilling with the other parents today at chuckee cheese at a birthday party autumn attended - one of the other parents mentioned bratz going off the shelves after the christmas season!!!! I actually cannot believe how bummed I am ! I unlike some parents like Bratz - I think they have more personality and they have really branched out the line into the petz and pony'z. They also have REALLY tamed down the hoochie mama look they had when they first came out.

I buy barbie too but as I found out while in Florida I apparently only buy the ones tied to their movies LOL - My daughter received a barbie from her Grandma and asked me which movie it was in hahahahaha.

Overall I personally think they are different enough they should not have to be pulled and I am rather disappointed in Mattel that apparently cannot handle some strong competition, which I am sure they were feeling as Bratz diversified their line even more.

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