Its that time again - another year has flown by!!! Have you made your resolutions yet for the upcoming year? Mine are pretty standard, pay off some debt, spend quality time with the family, and lose the baby weight quickly (yeah right LOL) after having a healthy and one hopes happy baby!!!
One way I am going to help our finances in this economy is I am trying something new with grocery shopping called the grocery game! I saw it on CNN while in Florida and I am loving it - it helps you combine your coupons you clip each week with store sales to build a stockpile of food at rock bottom prices that can last you through to the next cycle when that food is on sale again. I have already seen a huge savings at drug stores believe it or not!!! They all have some type of cash back, rebate type program in place and if you do it just right you see huge savings.
Be sure to put me down if you decide to try out their trial! I would definitely haunt their message board for a few weeks, and gather some coupons before signing up though. I signed up in Florida, went home and started accumulating coupons so 6 weeks in I am just now getting it going! Now if only I could find a scrap store that did cash back or rebates I would be all set LOL
As for my weight loss - I am loving the wii fit!!! I think I am going to combine that with the bike and go from there. I am no longer going to hoola hoop though until after i have the baby.....doctors dont tell you to hoola hoop because what idiot can hoola hoop preggo - well thanks to the wii fit - I rocked that hoola hoop LOL but I worked some muscles I think we will leave unworked til April LOL
Good luck to all of you setting your new years resolutions and I wish you all a very Safe and very Happy New Years!!!!
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